WooCommerce Automatic Order Printing (PrintNode)

From £55.00 / 12 months

This handy plugin causes new orders in your store to be automatically and instantly sent to your printer. Save time and money, and fulfill orders faster! We have been selling and continuously improving the code used in this plugin for over a thousand customers since its original launch in 2013 (when it was coupled with Google’s “Cloud Print” service).

Orders, invoices and packing slips/delivery notes can be printed. Compatible with any printer (including thermal).

No more logging in to find orders; no more time spent printing off delivery instructions; no more delay in between orders being placed and being able to fulfill them. This plugin will save you time and money. It has been especially popular with take-away and other food stores – but is suitable for anyone who values their time and wants the best customer experience. The plugin includes (amongst others) a special brief (and customisable) print-out particularly useful for delivery drivers.

To see screenshots of this plugin in action, scroll down the page, or click on the gallery images towards the top-left.

This plugin is a connector to the mature, reliable and easy-to-set-up PrintNode remote printing system. All you need to do is 1) open a PrintNode account on their website, 2) install their app on your computer which is driving your printer, 3) install and configure this plugin, and you’re ready to go. (Documentation is provided on their website for setting up PrintNode, in addition to the documentation for this plugin on this website).

The plugin is fully internationalised (i.e. ready for translations). We have a website where you can quickly + easily add your own. Tested and compatible with WooCommerce 3.8 up to the current release.

Integrated with “WooCommerce Opening Hours” (i.e. the selected time will be included on print-outs). For more information, scroll down this page, or read the pre-sales FAQs here.


Documentation for both users and developers is available here, including pre-sales FAQs. The plugin uses standard WordPress hook and filter mechanisms throughout, and thus is highly customisable by developers.

Further plugin or related features:

  • Debugging support: for any order, a debugging log can be sent to email addresses which you configure, to trace the state of the printout; a complete debug log can also be downloaded.
  • Print job control: as with all PrintNode jobs, you can view your print queue from the PrintNode control panel, from any web browser.
  • Choose when to print based on payment method: e.g. print automatically when an order is placed for cash-on-delivery orders, but only when it is paid for debit-card orders.
  • Choose when to print based upon order status changes: e.g. print automatically when an order moves from “processing” to “paid”.
  • Multiple copies: you can configure how many copies you wish to be printed to each printer individually.
  • Multiple printers: you can send the invoices to multiple printers, including being able to send different print-outs different numbers of times to different printers.
  • Customisable output: you can create your own output templates, or use any of the pre-built ones (including configurable logo, footer, terms and conditions and header areas).
  • Test print: you can send a test printout to your configured printer at any time.
  • Bulk printing: send print jobs in bulk at any time using the WordPress bulk action menu.
  • Compatible with High Performance Order Storage: the plugin fully supports WooCommerce’s more scalable and reliable order storage system (also known as “custom order tables”).
  • Compatible with the block-based cart and checkout: the plugin fully supports WooCommerce’s new (in 2023) block-based cart and checkout system (as well as the legacy shortcode-based pages).


Easy to set up: choosing what to print for each order (note that the plugins mentioned in the following screenshot are free – no further purchases are required):


Easy to set up: connecting to PrintNode just means copy/pasting your API key from your PrintNode account:

Configuring API key

Controlling when to print (all payment gateways that you have installed will be listed; the documentation also explains how to print upon an order status change; you can print both upon payment and order status changes, but it’s unlikely you’d want to do both – the screenshot below is illustrative):

Printing upon an order status change

An example invoice print-out via the supported PDF Invoicing and Packing Slips plugin (highly customisable):

An example invoice printout (highly customisable)

Powered by PrintNode – supports any printer:


Viewing your PrintNode queue, through any web browser:

PrintNode print queue

A handy “Print Order” button is also added to the order details page – useful for testing, or re-printing:

Button to print manually

To put this item in your cart, go back up the page…

As is the norm with most WordPress premium plugins (and all official WooCommerce.Com extensions), your purchase not only includes the plugin, but access to new versions for 12 months. (After 12 months, you can carry on using the version you have installed; or you are welcome to purchase again for access to future releases).

Additional information

Licence type

Single site licence (£55 / £65), Up to 5 sites (£75 / £95), Up to 25 sites (£105 / £125)

Renewal type

Automatic renewal (subscription – discounted), Manual renewal

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