1.3.27 – 30/Sep/2023
- TWEAK: Compare compatibility with the WooCommerce block-based cart and checkout
- TWEAK: Update updater library to latest series
- TWEAK: Require WooCommerce 4.2+
1.3.26 – 03/Dec/2022
- TWEAK: Add filter wcpastpurchasecoupons_get_previous_purchase_orders to allow filtering of the criteria used to locate eligible orders (e.g. change the order status criteria)
- TWEAK: Declare compatibility with high-performance order tables
- TWEAK: Require WooCommerce 3.8+
1.3.25 – 30/Sep/2022
- TWEAK: Update update checker library to latest version
- TWEAK: Eliminate deprecated WooCommerce compatibility library
- TWEAK: Mark WooCommerce 3.6 as the first supported version (probably still works on earlier versions – but this is now the earliest version for support)
- TWEAK: Update all coupon meta-data handling operations to use the WooCommerce data-store API
- TWEAK: Fix incorrect variable reference that caused a PHP warning on PHP 8+
1.3.24 – 14/Sep/2022
- TWEAK: Fix incorrect variable reference that caused a PHP warning on PHP 8+
- TWEAK: Update updater library in Premium version to latest version
1.3.23 – 02/Sep/2021
- TWEAK: Mark as compatible up to WC 5.6 and WP 5.8
- TWEAK: Prevent PHP coding notice on PHP 8.0+
- TWEAK: Update bundled plugin update library
1.3.22 – 07/Sep/2020
- TWEAK: Mark as compatible with WC 4.5 and WP 5.5 (requires WC 3.5 / WP 4.6)
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest release
- TWEAK: Minor code tidying and removal of code for unsupported WC versions
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater libraries to latest versions
1.3.21 – 22/Feb/2020
- TWEAK: Mark as compatible with WC 4.0 and WP 5.4 (requires WC 3.4 / WP 4.5)
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest release
- TWEAK: Minor code tidying and removal of code for unsupported WC versions
1.3.20 – 10/Jan/2020
- TWEAK: Mark as compatible with WC 3.9 (requires WC 3.3 / WP 4.4)
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest series (1.8)
1.3.19 – 19/Oct/2019
- TWEAK: Mark as compatible with WC 3.8 (requires WC 3.2 / WP 4.3)
1.3.18 – 06/Aug/2019
- TWEAK: Marked as supporting WC 3.7; now requires WC 3.1+ and WP 4.2+
1.3.17 – 06/Apr/2019
- TWEAK: Marked as supporting WC 3.6
1.3.16 – 27/Dec/2018
- TWEAK: Marked as supporting WP 4.0+
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest version (1.5.10)
1.3.15 – 09/Nov/2018
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest version (1.5.8), preventing a possible PHP notice
1.3.14 – 24/Oct/2018
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest version (1.5.6), fixing an incompatibility with PHP 5.2
1.3.13 – 24/Oct/2018
- TWEAK: Removed some compatibility functions that were present for older WC versions
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest verison (1.5.5)
- TWEAK: Marked as compatible with WC 3.5 (supporting 3.0+)
1.3.12 – 21/May/2018
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest verison (1.5.3)
- TWEAK: Marked as compatible with WC 3.4 (supporting 2.6+)
- TWEAK: Marked as supporting WP 3.9+
1.3.11 – 25/Jan/2018
- TWEAK: Now marked as compatible with WC 3.3
1.3.10 – 20/Nov/2017
- FIX: When retrieving lists of previous purchases, included parent products for variations (possibly a regression; has not been verified)
- TWEAK: Increase the width of the product selector in the coupon management screen
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest version (1.5.0)
1.3.9 – 06/Oct/2017
- TWEAK: Update bundled updater to latest version (1.4.8)
1.3.8 – 26/Jun/2017
- TWEAK: Replace deprecated woocommerce_get_page_id() function
1.3.7 – 23/May/2017
- FIX: Update the updater library version, fixing a bug in it
1.3.6 – 28/Mar/2017
- FIX: Fix a bug in coupon handling on WC 3.0+
1.3.5 – 25/Mar/2017
- FIX: Update woocommerce-compat library version, fixing a bug in meta reading on WC 3.0+
- COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0 (tested on release candidate 2)
1.3.3 – 16/Feb/2017
- FIX: Update woocommerce-compat library version, fixing a bug in meta saving on WC 2.7
1.3.2 – 11/Feb/2017
- TWEAK: Further WooCommerce 2.7 updates. It is now believed that no features deprecated in WC 2.7 will be invoked.
- FIX: When deciding whether or not to tell a customer about an available coupon for a future purchase, any restrictions on allowed emails were not checked properly
1.3.1 – 04/Feb/2017
- TWEAK: Import woocommerce-compat library to abstract away changes in WC 2.7
- TWEAK: Port all accesses of WC_(Order|Product|Coupon)::id over to woocommerce-compat library
- TWEAK: Replace all uses of the deprecated get_variation_id() method
- TWEAK: Update the bundled updater to version 1.3.0, which allows the user to choose to automatically install updates
1.2.7 – 29/Apr/2016
* FIX: Fix a bug with order fetching on WC 2.1
1.2.6 – 29/Apr/2016
* TWEAK: With WC 2.6+, use the new wc_get_orders() function
1.2.5 – 25/Jan/2016
* get_currentuserinfo() will be deprecated in WP 4.5
1.2.3 – 01/Jul/2015
* Tweak: Slight change in coupon ineligibility message, for clarity
1.2.2 – 13/Mar/2015
* Fix bug in plugin updater that could cause white screens on some WP sites
1.2.1 – 11/Mar/2015
* Added plugin updater – update availability can now be made known and updates can now be installed through the standard WP updating mechanism
1.2 – 07/Feb/2015
* Made compatible with WooCommerce 2.3 (slight tweak to the selection box when choosing eligible products needed)
* WooCommerce 2.0 is no longer officially supported (it may, or may not, work – we are not testing it)
1.1.1 – 01/26/2014
* Update to use non-legacy method of getting order details
1.1 – 05/30/2014
* Add option to display post-purchase notice (e.g. to advertise the availability of a coupon)
1.0 – 01/17/2014
* Initial release