Our shared hosting platform was successfully upgraded this morning. This brings us updated versions of many pieces of internal software, and should ensure that the platform is stable for many more years to come. The upgrade went smoothly and there… READ MORE
Simba Hosting are committed to providing current technologies, not allowing our platform to slowly rot over the years, as is too common in the industry. As part of this commitment, the database server (MariaDB) has been upgraded on our main… READ MORE
Simba Hosting is committed to using up-to-date technologies – rather than letting our systems “rot”, and allowing customers to experience the increasing problems that result (which is sadly common in the web hosting industry). In keeping with this, our shared… READ MORE
Our webmail installation has been updated to the latest version of the underlying software (the 1.4 series of Roundcube). Amongst other improvements, this includes a new theme, designed responsively for all sizes of screen, and so should be easier to… READ MORE
At Simba Hosting we are committed to using up-to-date technologies. Far too many hosting companies simply let their platforms “rot”, and allow their customers to experience the increasing problems that result. As part of this, our shared web hosting database… READ MORE
In keeping with our commitment to using up-to-date technologies, we have updated the default version of PHP used for new web hosting accounts from PHP 7.2 to 7.3. All customers can continue to request a different PHP version (from 5.4… READ MORE
The shared webserver migration described in our previous post has been completed. If you need to change DNS records, as described in that post, then you should do so now. We are now completing a number of post-migration tasks and… READ MORE
As previously advised by email, soon, the IP address of our main shared web hosting platform will change, as part of a comprehensive upgrade which we have been working on for several weeks. This post now contains the information on… READ MORE