Version 1.6.2 of our EU VAT compliance plugin for WordPress has been released. This includes the following new items:
- *Feature: Detect visitor’s country and display prices accordingly on all shop pages from their first access (requires WooCommerce 2.2.9 or later; as noted in the WooCommerce changelog – – that is the first version that allows the taxable country to be changed at this stage). This feature also pre-sets the billing country on the check-out page.
- Feature: Option to make entry of VAT number for VAT exemption either optional, mandatory, or not possible. (Previously, only ‘optional’ was available). This means that store owners can decide to always charge VAT, or to not take orders from EU customers who are not VAT exempt. (Non-EU customers can still make orders; if you do not wish that to be possible, then there are existing WooCommerce settings for that). (This option is only relevant to the premium version, as the free version has no facility for entering VAT numbers).
- Feature: Support for WooCommerce subscriptions
- Tweak: Self-certification option now asks for ‘country of residence’, rather than of current location; to comply with our updated understanding of what the user should be asked to do. (But note that the message was, and continues to be, over-ridable via the wc_eu_vat_certify_message filter).
- Tweak: Make it possible (via a filter, wc_eu_vat_certify_form_field) to not pre-select any option for the self-certified VAT country. If your view is no option should be pre-selected, then you can use this filter. (We offer you no legal or taxation advice – you are responsible to consult your own local resources).
- Tweak: First beginnings of the readiness report: will now examine your WC version and “tax based on” setting.
- Tweak: EU VAT report now moved to the ‘Taxes’ tab of the WooCommerce reports (from ‘Orders’)
- Translation: German translation is updated, courtesy of Gunther Wegner. POT file updated
- Fix: Fix fatal error in 1.6.0 caused by non-removal of debugging code.
- Fix: Fix fatal error in product listing screen in 1.6.0.
All customers can get the latest version from their account page, and are encouraged to do so.