“High Performance Order Storage” (HPOS) is a major change to WooCommerce’s internals, intended to fix a long-standing design flaw in how WooCommerce stores orders in the WordPress database. This design flaw results in stores getting progressively slower over time when orders are placed or examined. You can read more about it at this link. It is being gradually rolled out during 2023 to WooCommerce stores in new releases of the plugin.
To WooCommerce users to benefit from this improvement, all their WooCommerce extensions need to be compatible with the relevant changes. To aid with this, plugins can mark themselves as compatible, and WooCommerce will then advise a store owner if they try to turn on HPOS when their plugins are not yet so marked.
We are pleased to announce that following a round of work to analyse and make necessary changes to all of our popular WooCommerce extensions, all current releases are now HPOS-compatible. If you try to turn HPOS on in WooCommerce and find that one of our plugins is listed as incompatible, then please check that you are running a current version and not an old one. All the product pages linked from the shop include a link to the plugin’s release history (the changelog) allowing you to see the relevant details.