Simba Hosting is a trading name of Simba IT Services Ltd (UK Company Number 11015984). Simba Hosting wishes to acknowledge the WordPress software, which is used to build this website. We love WordPress so much that we built our own 1-click installer, which is present as a standard feature in all hosting packages.
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Simba Hosting (UK) has no affiliation or links of any kind with Simba Hosting (Kenya), found at; nor do we transact business within the Kenyan market.
“Simba” is simply the word “lion” in the Swahili language. Simba Hosting are not endorsed by any other company using either of these words within their title or product range. We have no affiliation with the “Lion King” movie, though we quite liked it as a movie, etc. We obtained our “lion” graphics under paid licence from stock photography sites. We have been trading exclusively under the name “Simba Hosting” since March 2007. Our founder named the company after the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5:5), that is, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “You are worthy … because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation”.